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偏偏喜欢他,一见钟情。冠军近在咫尺,这次就不要再是咫尺天涯了吧。——————————————————————————即使是再冷静漠然,张佳乐也能如烈火灼心。顾挽霜很喜欢张佳乐,是那种看到他可以瞬间改变主意放弃所有原定计划的那种。即使开始只是想做个过客,也终归会为了这个人,热血重燃。可以为张佳乐买下百花俱乐部,可以让孙哲平重回赛场再现繁花血景,可以做为牧师护他们一往无前。顾挽霜想,她来到这个世界的意义,大概就是为了让繁花不败。 [全职]繁花不败

转生古代,手无寸铁的我...没想到最后还是无敌了。 没错,正当我准备以种地发展,以科技碾压敌人之时,夫人却出现了。 我家娘子是一代宗师女剑帝,拜托你不要那么无敌啦! 不然,就会显得拿着手雷,扛着火枪大... 劫回来的夫人竟然是傲天女剑帝

7是他的幸运数字,带给他了太多,同时让他失去了更多,在这名利地位重压之下,他该怎么创造他们想要的需求. 世界的起点是结束

我叫蔚莱,是一个网络小说写手。有一天,我笔下的人物居然成精了!试问这种情况,阁下该如何应对呢(doge) 救命我笔下的人物成精了

Brilliant 22 year old FBI intern Riley Paige struggles to decode the riddles of the sadistic serial killer dubbed by media as the “clown killer”—but finds it all becomes too personal when she herself, targeted, is in a battle for her life.Recent college graduate Riley Paige is accepted into the prestigious FBI summer internship program, and is determined to make a name for herself. Exposed to many departments of the FBI, she thinks it will be a quiet summer—until a serial killer holds Washington by suspense. Dubbed the “clown killer,” he dressed and paints his victims as clowns, and mocks the FBI with tantalizing riddles in the media. He leaves everyone to wonder: is he a clown himself?It seems that only Riley has the mind brilliant enough to decode the answers. And yet the journey into this killer’s mind is too dark—and the battle too personal—for Riley to come out unscathed. Can she win this deadly game of cat and mouse? Waiting

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